Monday, September 12, 2011


today was deff a 'whatever' kind of day...


LALALAwhatever...i love that song. for those who havent heard it...ya gotta hear it;) i think we all get to the whatever point. its been a few days since my last post because of september 11th. thats where it all began. so saturday it was whatever;)

avoided negativity by keeping myself preoccupied with whatever i could...i even got starbucks and didnt think of the fat content!

delivered SCENTSY and met with a new customer/friend...visited my step sister and her new baby:)

spent time with my kids and my alone time was driving from here to mesquite and back while Brayden was cool:)

no work out...but drank plenty of Dr. Oz's tangeraide and that stuff is the bomb! will deff get rid of belly fat!

i really dont have much to say in fear of venting about 9/11. just remember...not agreeing doesnt ever mean hate...dont let em fool ya<3

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