Thursday, September 8, 2011

Being a blessing to others:) dont get discouraged in doing good!

"let us not just love by word or with tongue...but by our deeds and truths" 1 John 3:18 ♥ this was my verse/inspirational for the day...and i lived it and i was exhausted by the end of the thats why i am a day late posting. i even laid back down and slept until 10:15! ugh i feel like a bum doing that but i literally couldnt open my eyes.

okay well let me start first by trying to oust the negative things out of your life, it ceratainly highlights the negative/stressful

okay so in the stranger kindness portion: i actually had a lady approach me in Costco...she was saying how cute Brayden was and how i should put him in one of those picture contest(he had on my cap) she was holding her hands under her arm pits in an odd way. my aunt was talking to her and as she was leaving my aunt says "God bless you maam and have a great day" As we were walking she said 'please tell her thank you for that, she doesnt know what that means to a 2 time breast cancer survivor' wow i thought...i have to hear her story(testimony) shes wanting to share it and its being presented to me,(thank you God for the lesson) thats where my bible study this AM comes into play...thank you for hte confirmation. She went into how she was diagnosed...after a symptoms...and hormone replacement therapy they believe was the reason. it was an estrogen tumor...hmmm very interesting me. Then she said the second time it came back...within the same year it was bigger and worse. they removed both of her breasts:/ and didnt want to even attempt reconstruction because of what all she had already been through. During the time all this happened her husband who BTW was 70 was in Iraq working and her home buisness was going to have to close because she jut couldnt handle it all. STRESS she said...thats what made me sick WOW WOW WOW! i felt like she was sent directly from God to talk to a warning to stop stressing. She proceeded to tell me how let she was by all her "friends and family" for not being there for her and how alone she felt! i was sitting there in awe at her story. Even with her having cancer,husband gone,losing buisness,money issues...people turned their backs. i wanted to cry for her i could see the pain. then i thought at that moment God wants us to put our faith in him...not fellow man. And she said...i realized then to 'let go' i had to let go of all the people,things etc...that didnt bring health to my life and put my focus where it belongs. I hugged her and told her how proud i was of her courage and that i loved her,would pray for her and God bless you. As we left the store i could see the smile as she walked to catch up with her husband. Now i wish i would have gotten her name...but maybe she was one of those "everyday angels" sent from the good Lord to let us know he may be very busy but he is watching and dont give up the good fight! Friends dont ever ever let other people force you into doing or accepting things or people who cause you pain,unhealth or take you off your walk...oust the will cost you your best life.

i had no 10 min 'me time' i even missed my standing appt with my personal trainer and lost mt 50 LT bucks:/ but i did get to take my sister to get a job(which she did)yay! and spent time with my aunt debbie at the store:) i wish she knew what a blessing she is...again its that generational curse thing...blah! get outta here!!

i did none of my workout:(

i spent time with the kids by helping the middle one with her 'forgotten until the last minute project' at 10 and the time i spent with the other 2 was during the 4 hour drive around the


1.sister complaining: instead of getting angry and saying this and that (believe me i wanted to lol) i uplifted her with hope:) that was a job! for those that know you sis<3

2.driving the long drive to practices: one day she will be grown and moved out;/ and though im tired today and wouldve like to spend some time on myself, i am so very grateful for her and these moments:)

3.the "forgotten over due project" okay again one day she will be moved out or wont need or want my help anymore and i love her so much...lets do it:) and some kids dont even do homework and dont care if the fail...mine does so yeah:)

4.not happy with the flabby wave flap of fat under my son brought it woo my attention...but hey im working on it and it makes him laugh so bump it! lol:) husband and all his "stuff" FAIL in making a positive out that right now...Lord this ones in your court. the 'grown man' behaving like a child is a MAJOR issue in my life...pray for me. But idk how they do it KY but here they would never leave a new harley waiting outside the gates after you fix it with the keys in the saddlebag and no paperwork i said! lol(and im not husband being honest and keeping it real)

okay so there ya go...the good the bad the 3 bring it!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Sometimes random things/conversations with people can bring you so much inspiration! Love ya!- KimberlyC
