Thursday, September 8, 2011

We Need Only be the Best Person that we can be!

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”- Rumi, thirteenth century Sufi poet
Today was so-so on keeping with my new plan. A few negatives (shocker in the weight department) and a few happiness pieces. As per usual I am really struggling with this weight stuff and its beginning to concern me how hard I am on myself to be honest. I want to stop comparing myself to others yet here I am each and every day struggling to let go of these pointless comparisons with others on body figures and such. I know that I am my own worst enemy and that my only responsibility in regards to weight is to be the best that Guin can be, not some figment of my imagination. However, I think I enjoy self torturing;).
My one kindness to a stranger came forth today at work when I subbed for a PreK class. The teacher was absolutely gorgeous and you could tell she worked out. Not only that, but she was a terrific teacher and so patient with the kiddos. I told her at the end of the day how great she was as a teacher and how I haven't seen many as good as her (which was the truth in my eyes) and then I let her know that her hard work at the gym was paying off as she looked very fit etc etc. She seemed very flattered and happy by these comments and it made me happy to help brighten someone's day.
In regards to negative comments I had oh probably a dozen at least in regards to body image and at the current moment I don't exactly feel like going into mass detail but suffice it to say that I have a lot of work to do. That's it for today...just too exhausted and disappointed to go into detail. 

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