Saturday, September 10, 2011


Quote of the day: Most of us want to be liked. We want other people to think of us as nice, friendly, kind, and loving. Most of us want the approval of others.

  Since childhood, some of us have been trying to get approval, trying to get people to like us and think highly of us. We may be afraid people will leave if they disapprove of our actions. We may look for approval from people who have none to give. We may not know that we're lovable now and can learn to approve of ourselves.
  In order to live happily, to live consistently with the way our Higher Power wants us to live, and to tap into a way of life that is in harmony with the universe, we need to let go of our extreme need for approval. These unmet needs for approval and love from our past give others control over us today. These needs can prevent us from acting in our own best interest and being true to ourselves. In the end, that's the only approval that counts. -Melody Beattie from The Language of Letting Go.

The aforementioned quote sums up my entire life pretty much as well as today. The need to be loved, to be needed, and to be perfect are my biggest issues and they destroy most of my happiness and sanity to be quite honest. It is Saturday night so I won't be spending as much time on today's post because it has been a long day and I am exhausted. I'll be back tomorrow.

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