Tuesday, September 6, 2011

day 1 of our journey into health and healing for us,our kids and generations to come:)

Before I start just a few things: This is a blog for my good friend and I to share our feelings,emotions,our walk etc...there is no room for spell checking(so while i appreciate you english teachers out there) give us a break...im texan for one and will prob be speaking in slang abbreviations etc... Also there is no room for any policital correctness either...this is strictly our journey and in doing this we hope to inspire other women and to also let them know they are not alone. There may be one thing or 5 that you can or cant relate to...were here because we realize we have shortcomings and want to change for ourselves,our children and generations to come:) I will get more into the details of why we decided to do this later.

today day 1: kind of ironic it starts today...it would have been my nana's birthday(RIP nana) love and miss her deeply...however i know alot of the issues im dealing with come from her...God bless her heart...truly dont think she ever knew better:/

we agreed to do several things each day as forms of personal growth:

a quote/bible verse/inpirational...started my day out with 3 quotes: 3 due to confirmation on my feelings of hope to break the chains that bind me daily.

1. So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key. ~The Eagles
--i thought this was excellent...so much to do with a generational curse.

defintion:Generational curses are judgments that are passed on to individuals because of sins perpetuated in a family in a number of generations. Generational curses are similar to original sin curses because they can be passed down on a generational basis. They differ in that generational curses do not impose eternal judgment. They bring judgment or bondage during an individual’s life, reducing the quality of life, until that individual addresses the sin issues that put the curses into place. to me its like a form of alcoholism,abuse,insecurity,jealousy etc...all unhealthy!

2. If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
--this one is refreshing because its taken me this long to truly realize the people i looked up to as a child are 'just people' too...they make mistakes and have their own issues. I cant change that but i can change the way i think about it:)

3. I'd rather live my life knowing that I'm not perfect, rather than spending my whole life pretending to be;)
--this one makes me smile because it states something i feel about several people directly involved in my life. well now indirectly but still in the mainstream of it all...lol

Spend 10 minutes alone with God outside in nature: didnt happen...however i did read some scripture and manage to quickly shower before the madness began...lol

the workout: no lifetime...but started the 100 workout(ty tracy) but only halfway completed...SAHMandW duty called all day...lol

spend time with kiddos one on one...will try again tomorrow

eliminating the 5 negatives and replacing each with 2 positives:

i fight negativity from the second i wake up anymore. this morning i couldnt get the door unlocked(because the kids have pushed on it so much when its locked due to their impatience)that it needs to be tightned or something and i couldnt get out so of course"shit" was probably my 1st word of the day...ugh. then i got mad at steven thinking of course he wont fix it he doesnt fix anything. so i immediately pushed the chain of negativity that was creeping up out and said thank you God for this awesome weather and told my daughter to have a  great day at school and realized how proud i truly am of her hard work in making varsity this year:) and also patted myself on the back for helping her achieve her dreams:)

so i had this awesome day planned and get a call from my husband telling me how crappy his day is and how the expensive bike he just bought has to go to the shop and he needs a ride now. hmmmm. so i hung up the phone. im sure after saying 'shit' again...haha. but then pushed out the chain that begin again...hes so selfish,what about me,all my laundry is already out to do,oh braydens hungry needs a nap,this interferes with my day etc...and got up and went. on the way i had a great convo with an awesome friend and he filled my gas up...hey win win:)

then i went to put on some pants i have and they looked so gross on my backside...i was looking in the mirror thinking all these thoughts again...ugh my body will never be the same,will i need plastic surgery on and on...then Brayden walks in with my sunglasses on saying mama car car...lol i picked him up and thanked God for such a blessing he is. then i threw the pants away;)

so i get on FB and of course the devil throws it out there like a bone...once again the negativeness and anger of someone being fake and lying. they didnt help me when i needed it,never return what i do blah blah blah...so i deleted the strife...and decided to cut ties until im treated with respect because i deserve that and and empowered in knowing having those kind of people in your life create confusion...and i dont need that;)

I had a job interview and was hyped up...however i cancelled it.and joined a support group with other SAHM... I have to decided to embrace being a SAHM and enjoy everday at home with my sweet little man<3 and i dont need anyones approval for that!

i didnt encounter any strangers for a random act of kindness...but will make up for it while im out tomorrow.

i did my best to encourage and uplift all day long...i feel like im making a breakthrough due to how down ive been...ty for the support! one day at a time

1 comment:

  1. I can tell this is you, Denise! lol I love the idea of uplifting people! I got made fun of on a daily basis as a kid in school, because I would read to the blind kid, help the kid in the wheelchair and catch the little boy's head that had to wear a helmet cause he had seizures all day..Kids made fun of me and called these boys "my boyfriend" but, I knew I was doing the right thing and I STILL would do it to this day! Love ya!- Kimberly
