Wednesday, September 14, 2011

september 11th

its been a few days i was just now able to cope with this day...
not much to say: hmmmmm. RIP CPL Richard A Smith 3/31/86-12/31/06

Until you know the pain of knowing your baby brother was blown basically in half by a bastard who hates everything you stand for...dont tell me to unite nor hold hands with people like his murderer. Sorry if that doesnt give you a warm fuzzy and makes you think im hatin'. HATE is what killed him that day. He wasnt KIA(gotta love that term...such a way to take away from the truth) He was murdered. And again just because I dont agree doesnt mean I hate...i choose not to deal with it. There is nothing about September 11 that will ever make me feel anything happy. SO while people wanna tell me this and that...FREEDOM is a 2 way street. And Hypocrisy goes both ways. Live and let live...really understand that while your holding up your signs trying to get me to think like you do. It amazes me the denial of people...there actually is evil just like there is good...there cannot possible be one without the other. Im not mad at your for 'drinking the koolaid' dont be mad at me for passing it up;)

 And before you judge me and my feelings...I would love to get a huge projector and be able to show you the film that is played so often in my head. invision your little brother ot sister driving along in a hummer(not the new kind) the old ones with no extra armor. BOOM...i wont get graphic...enough said. now whats up?

in the meantime we were blessed to have my nephew little Rich...just like his daddy:) He is an orphan. He will never get to hold his daddys hand or be tucked in bed and feel his kiss. But hey it was in the anyway i miss him and that doesnt change. I will deff see you again some day lil bro<3 this song and video remind me of him...this is what i will wonder...'who youd be today'

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