Friday, September 9, 2011

learning lessons and giving up what we cant "control" and caring for others

day 3:


"so we should realize that just as a parent disciplines a child, the Lord our God disciplines us to help us." Deuteronomy 8:5

i believe certain things are allowed to happen to teach us lessons and not to continue doing the same things God himself points out to us as wrong...this is a HUGE deal ive seen with all the elders in my family. im afraid i at times may try to be an extremist the other way with this one...vowing not to tolerate anything else. theres a fine line with this one and i am trying to walk trying not to be so blind and ate up with the fact "im right all the time" you keep repeating the same story line...even with different people/ the game never changed...only the faces. ugh darn you generational curse! this is deff something i dont want my kids to then i moved on to my next inspirational...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

what an awesome one that is:) now to live by it! this is hard because i do try to what i think is a good way...but it never lets those around me do for themselves.(another old generational curse) ugh ugh ugh!

i did not get my 10 minutes alone...while showering it was the son was beating on the shower but i truly love that because i know one day he will be too big and wanna hang elsewhere than with mom:/

my work out was a 30 min walk with my baby boy,middle daughter and my sister<3 (who was actually smiling and laughing while we walked...score!)

i had several interactions with strangers today and had a huge smile on my face:) its contagious...except for a few and when they didnt return the smile...i cheesed it out like i had something to hide and they stared like WTH is up with that woman?! haha that was actually kinda fun:) i also chased down a reciept in the walwart parking lot for a lady who was very grateful...i told her she looked too cute to be running around after it...she loved that;)

there were several negatives that tried to invade today but i kicked their butts pretty hardcore today;)
my daughter and i went to order her boyfriends arm garter mum for homecoming (wow are they expensive) but okay...its only for a couple of times and i want her to live it up and enjoy her life! 

the overall attitude of doing anything in the house that doesnt pertain to ones self can be quite a bummer...instead of complaining i just 'blocked' people out for a few and then they got the picture ane helped (a little) lol

my son fights his sleep BIG time: 2 hours a night for bedtime. so instead of the ususal wearing myself out or trying to multitask even at that time of day: i shut the door,turned out the lights and gave him my full worked we cut the time down by about 30 min lol...still a work in progress

i spent time with each of my kids it was nice:)

i had a really hard time yesterday...i found out a local teenager killed himself. it bothered me so bad i had difficulty sleeping. And no he wasnt gay(that anyone knew) he was just a regular teen. he played basketball. went to a great school. had a pretty girlfriend. im not sure what would make him feel so very alone it would come to that :( but it absloutely breaks my heart. i heard different rumors of family problems at home and extended family. some people at school teasing him. it just makes me sick! people can be so damn mean. i wish i could have helped him though i didnt know him:/
i hope that people really understand what bullying and a feel of abandonment can do to some people...this kid reached out and noone heard. nowadays however its hard to reach out because people are so judgemental and mean you can afraid to or regret when you do. i know ive been there. this touches me to the very core of my heart. i feel like i felt like this over the summer. i was completely distraught and felt alone and abandoned. im not going to go into it all right now...but i was pretty much turned on by some very key people in my life. it hurt. it hurt bad. with God's grace and mercy i came out of it...this boy didnt:( there has to be something i can do to help others who feel this praying God gives me an answer on what i can do to help. PLEASE people stop being mean. Stop caring only about your own household. Help people! Feed the hungry. donate clothes and household items. help someone clean. send someone a card.Stop being in a click and ganging up on 1 or 2 people. it hurts. its ugly. and i know God doesnt like it! you do matter...everyone matters. if we would all change whats in us this world would be a much better place<3

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